Agenda Message
Wednesday Apr 8th 2020
*Keep in mind these are just suggested due dates, but hopefully you can get everything (Weekly Learning Plan & Daily Challenges/Assignments) done by Friday!
*Remember, do what you can, when you can
*Make sure to check back on the Weekly Learning Plan to make sure all components are being completed
- Journal - keep writing!
- Daily Reading/Novel Study
- keep reading and responding
- You could start the weekly question today if you're ready and have some ideas
- Daily Physical Activity Log
- Keep being active, and keep recording!
- Measurement Scavenger Hunt
- See if you can finish clues #3 and #4 today
- Morning Routine
- Hopefully you've been able to set this up and test it out
- Journal - keep writing (I have been, just need to get around to posting it...)
- Daily Reading/Novel Study
- continue reading for at least 20 minutes each day
- continue with reading responses each day
- REMEMBER: start thinking about the weekly question as you're reading (if you could give a character one item, what would it be?)
- Daily Physical Activity Log
- record your activities, and time spent (plus daily total)
- remember to strive for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous DPA each day!
- Measurement Scavenger Hunt
- See if you can get through the first Two clues (perimeter and area of bedroom)
- Zoom Meeting/Zimbra Email
- Great to connect with some of you today!
- Hoping to do at least 2 or 3 meetings each week in the future (good test run)
- If you have any questions about logging in to your email, let me know
- I have posted the video tutorial as well if you need some help
- Morning Routine
- Hopefully you've had a chance to start thinking about and planning your routine
- Try to see if you can have this done in the next couple days so you can give it a test run
- Journal - keep writing
- Daily Reading/Novel Study
- continue reading for at least 20 minutes each day
- continue with reading responses each day
- Daily Physical Activity Log
- Record you activities, and time spent (plus daily total)
- Turn in work from Weekly Learning Plan #1
- Set Up Your Study Space
- Login to Your GEDU Account from Home
- Library Catalogue
- Daily Reading
- Prodigy Math
- Journal
- Daily Challenge - Perimeter of My House
- Daily Challenge - March Journal
*Keep in mind these are just suggested due dates, but hopefully you can get everything (Weekly Learning Plan & Daily Challenges/Assignments) done by Friday!
- Daily Assignment: March Journal
- Prodigy Math
- Try for at least 15 minutes
- Some people were having trouble getting on yesterday, so perhaps their server is busy with lots of students using it? Please let me know if you're having troubles
- Daily Reading
- Read for a minimum of 30 minutes
- Don't forget to record your response and submit it
- Weekly Learning Plan (other items)
- Set Up Your Study Space
- Library Catalogue
- Daily Challenges/Assignments
- Connect with 3 different people each day
- Perimeter of My House
*Remember, do what you can, when you can
- Daily Assignment: Perimeter of My House
- Estimate the perimeter then measure
- Prodigy Math
- Try for at least 15 minutes per day
- Daily Reading
- Read for a minimum of 20 minutes
- Don't forget to record your response and submit it
- Library Catalogue
- Keep working at it! Thanks to those that have submitted it already
- Journal Entry
*Make sure to check back on the Weekly Learning Plan to make sure all components are being completed
- Daily Challenge: Connect With Your Classmates
- Try to connect with 3 of your classmates today
- Prodigy Math
- Login and explore the game
- Try to complete the assessment on Measurement and Area
- Daily Reading
- Read for at least 20 minutes
- Record your response to what you read today on Google Classroom or by email
- Library Catalogue
- Keep working at adding books to it
- Journal Entry
- Setup Your Study Space
- Make sure to send me a picture of your study space
- Login to Your GEDU Account from Home
- Remember to send me pictures/screenshots from the following places:
- Journal
- Hopefully you were able to decide on how you were going to record it, and got your first entry in
- Don't forget, you can read mine, as well as get some ideas for how to write yours, on my blog page
- LA - Fractured Fairy Tale (due today)
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning
- Was supposed to be due today, we will extend the due date until after spring break as we have had quite a few absences that have made this group project challenging to complete
- Genius Hour - new timeline posted here
- due date is extended beyond spring break
- Make sure to keep up with your goal over the break (if you can... though it is a great time for you to catch up on missing assignments if that's your goal...)
- LA - Fractured Fairy Tale (due Friday)
- Math 6 - Calculating Percent Test (due today)
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning (due Friday)
- Remember -
- LA - Fractured Fairy Tale (due Friday)
- LA - Vocabulary: Synonyms (due today)
- Math 6 - Calculating Percent Test on Thursday
- Career - Find Your Fit: You Have Skills!
- Identify 3 essential skills that you have, and find 3 occupations on the Career Trek website that use all of those skills
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning (due Friday)
- Art - Textured item for clay art project (Art for Others)
- LA - Fractured Fairy Tale: working on good copies (due Friday)
- Math 6 - Percent (due tomorrow)
- test Thursday
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning (due Friday)
- LA - Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes is overdue (quiz tomorrow)
- LA - Fractured Fairy Tale: 2 people should have revised your story
- Math 6 - Percent of a Number: Word Problems (due tomorrow)
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning (due Friday)
- Genius Hour - new timeline is posted here
- LA - Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes 7 and 8 (due today - quiz Monday)
- LA - Fractured Fairy Tale: Rough Draft (due Monday)
- Should be ready to revise and edit on Monday
- Math 6 - Calculating Percent Problem Solving (due Monday)
- Leadership - Day of Sucwentwecw
- Students have been preparing stations to lead our school through that day
- LA - Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes 5 and 6 (due today)
- LA - Fractured Fairy Tale
- Should have a good chunk of the rough draft finished
- Math 6 - Story Problem: Basketball Shoes (due today)
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning (due before Spring Break)
- Tier 2 Girls Permission Slips
- LA - Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes 3 and 4 (due today)
- LA - Fractured Fairy Tale
- students created an outline to 'spin' their story to make the antagonist look like a good person (everything was just a big misunderstanding)
- Math 6 - Percent of a Number (due tomorrow)
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning (due before Spring Break)
- Career - Did you track your goal today?
- LA - Root Words, Prefixes, Suffixes 1 and 2 (due today)
- We also started work on our fractured fairy tale, telling the story from the villains point of view
- Math 6 - Story Problem: Socials Test (due today)
- Career - March Goal (due today - don't forget to track it!)
- LA - Capitalization Quiz #2 and Unit Work
- Math 6 - Decimals and Percent: Page 2 (due tomorrow)
- Career - February Journal (due today)
- ADST - Bibliography Work (due March 4)
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning (due before Spring Break)
- LA - Capitalization Unit Work (due today)
- Math 6 - Decimals and Percent (due Monday)
- Genius Hour - Should have a collection of images and artifacts ready to help plan your presentation (start thinking about how you can present your learning)
- Science - Mixtures (due today)
- LA - Capitalization 3 & 4 (due today - quiz tomorrow)
- Math 6 - Story Problem: Science Test (due today)
- Genius Hour - research should be finished, students should be focusing on gather/creating visuals and artifacts
- Science - Mixtures (due tomorrow)
- Spirit Week - Friday is PJ Day!
- LA - Capitalization 1 & 2 (due today)
- Math 6 - Percent and Fractions (due tomorrow)
- Health - Plant Friendly Diet Infographic
- Socials - Communicate Your Learning Project: Resources
- Spirit Week - Thursday is Crazy Hair Day!
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Essay Improvement
- Math 6 - Story Problem: Genius Hour
- Genius Hour - Research should be finished, students should be focusing on collecting/creating images and visuals to help improve the quality of their project
- Spirit Week - Wednesday is 80s Day!
- Math 6 - Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (due tomorrow)
- Career - Find Your Fit: Occupations of Interest (due tomorrow)
- Spirit Week - Tuesday hot chocolate will be available for $1
- LA - NFRA should be finished, unfinished work will be made up at lunch
- Math 6 - Story Problem: Hot Dog Day (due today)
- Science - Separating Solutions (due today)
- Interior Health - Kamloops Healthy Lifestyle Program for Children/Teens: Shapedown BC
- A notice went home about this program today
- information on eligibility and the program can be found at
- Spirit Groups - Kindness
- What is a random act of kindness you can do for someone in our school or around our community?
- Spirit Week - Monday is Hat Day!
- Reading Record on Screencastify
- Math 6 - Rewriting Percents (due tomorrow)
- Genius Hour Project - finished research, ready to start putting project together next week
- Science - Separating Solutions (due tomorrow)
- Hot Dog Day is tomorrow
- Grade 5 - A School for Inuit Youth
- Grade 6 - Whiskey Jack and the Young Boy
- Math 6 - Hundredths (due tomorrow)
- Genius Hour Project - third research due Friday
- Hot Dog Day is on Friday
- Grade 5 - A School for Inuit Youth
- Grade 6 - Whiskey Jack and the Young Boy
- Math 6 - Addition and Subtraction of Decimals: Pretest (due tomorrow)
- Hot Dog Day on Friday February 21st
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear - Two Essays were due today
- Math 6 - Fractions Unit Work (due today)
- Socials 5 - How Fair is the Treaty Process? (due today)
- Socials 6 - How Does Global Trade Impact the Environment? (due today)
- Family Fun Night! - Sunday February 16th at The Ridge
- Hot Dog Day on Friday February 21st (orders due Monday Feb 17th)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear - Two essays due Friday
- Math 6 - Fractions Unit Work (due tomorrow)
- Socials 5 - How Fair is the Treaty Process? (due Friday)
- Socials 6 - How Does Global Trade Impact the Environment? (due Friday)
- Family Fun Night! - Sunday February 16th at The Ridge
- Hot Dog Day on Friday February 21st (orders due Monday Feb 17th)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Plot and Character/Theme Essays due Friday
- Math 6 - Fractions Test tomorrow
- Socials 5 - How Fair is the Treaty Process? (due Friday)
- Socials 6 - How Does Global Trade Impact the Environment? (due Friday)
- Family Fun Night! - Sunday February 16th at The Ridge
- Hot Dog Day on Friday February 21st (orders due Monday Feb 17th)
- Math 6 - Fractions Pre-Test (due tomorrow)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear we are missing book #23...
- Plot and Character/Theme Essays due Friday
- Cookie Dough, Coffee, Muffin Orders due tomorrow
- Family Fun Night! - Sunday February 16th at The Ridge
- ADST - Working on notes from second resource (minimum)
- Math 6 - Story Problem: Track Survey (due tomorrow)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear books are going back tomorrow (is your's here?)
- Socials 5 - How Fair is the Treaty Process? (due Friday)
- Socials 6 - How Does Global Trade Impact the Environment? (due Friday)
- Family Fun Night! - Sunday February 16th at The Ridge
Thursday Feb 6th 2020
- LA - Theme/Character Question (outline and start of rough draft)
- Career - Are you tracking your goal progress?
- Report Card Envelope (due today...)
- Leadership - we worked on our presentations for Mrs Eustache
Wednesday Feb 5th 2020
- LA - Theme/Character Question (outline and start of rough draft today)
- Math 6 - Fractions Test is delayed until next week
- Career - January Journal Reflection: "what is your SMART goal for the month of February (due tomorrow)
- ADST - First Resources Research finished by Friday
- Socials - Eating for a Healthy Planet (On the Lines due tomorrow)
- Report Card Envelopes (due tomorrow)
- Science Lab Field Trip Form (due tomorrow, we are going tomorrow morning)
- Make sure you are prepared to go outside and snowshoe (gloves, toque, boots, etc)
Tuesday Feb 4th 2020
- LA - Plot Assignment Final Copy
- ADST - First Resource Research finished by Friday
- Math 6 - Fractions Practice Test (due tomorrow)
- Science - Types of Solutions (due Friday)
- PAC Fundraiser - Muffin and Cookie Dough Sales (due Feb 12)
- Report Card Envelopes (due Thursday)
- Science Lab Field Trip Form (we're going on Thursday)
Monday Feb 3rd 2020
- Math 6 - Fractions Practice Test (work on it tomorrow)
- LA - Plot Question: rough draft revised and edited
- Permission Slip for Science Lab
Friday Jan 31st 2020
- Science - Types of Solutions (we will continue next class)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Plot Assignment (rough draft due Monday)
- Unplug and Play Week:
- Guess how many books are in the library?
- LUNCH BUNCH!!! - make sure you are getting caught up
- we will have a new focus next week, but Science doesn't go away...
Thursday Jan 30th 2020
- Math 6 - Multiplying Fractions
- Science - Is It Soluble in Water? Lab (due tomorrow)
- Unplug and Play Week:
- Guess how many books are in the library?
- Drop Everything and Read tomorrow - bring your favourite stuffy
Wednesday Jan 29th 2020
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Story Elements "Plot" (outline completed)
- Math 6 - Story Problem Pizza Parties (due today)
- Unplug and Play Week:
- Guess how many books are in the library?
- Tomorrow is "Read My Shirt Day", so wear an appropriate shirt with writing on it
Tuesday Jan 28th 2020
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear finish the novel and all chapter response questions
- Math 6 - Adding Mixed Fractions #s 1-2 a, b, c (due tomorrow)
- Science - Is It Soluble In Water? Lab (we will continue on Thursday)
- Unplug and Play Week:
- Guess how many books are in the library?
- Tomorrow is "Reading Rocks So Wear Some Funky Socks" Day
Monday Jan 27th 2020
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear finish the novel and all chapter response questions
- Math 6 - Adding Mixed Fractions (will work on tomorrow)
- Unplug and Play Week:
- Guess how many books are in the library?
- Tomorrow is "Poem in My Pocket" Day
- Lunch Bunch!!!
Friday Jan 24th 2020
- Career - Ian
- Math 6 - Addition and Subtraction of Fractions #s 1-4 a, b, and c (due Monday)
- ADST - Genius Hour Project continue to gather resources (you should have a minimum of three)
- Next week is Unplug and Play Week
- A form went home with some activities, ideas, and a contest entry form
- Each day next week will have a theme or activity, keep an eye/ear out
- How can you try and use less technology and your devices?
Thursday Jan 23rd 2020
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Chapter 25 & 26 responses
- Socials 5 - What Can Evidence Reveal About First Peoples Relationship With the Land? (due Friday)
- Socials 6 - Is Global Trade Fair? (due Friday)
- Science - Solubility (due Friday)
- Next week is Unplug and Play Week, some information will go home today
Wednesday Jan 22nd 2020
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear - Gallery Walk Quick Write (due tomorrow)
- Career - Strengths/Weaknesses Paragraph (due tomorrow)
- Math 6 - Equivalent Fractions (due tomorrow)
- Science - Solubility (due Friday)
- Next week is Unplug and Play Week, some information went home today
Tuesday Jan 21st 2020
- Math 6 - Least Common Multiple #s 1-4 (due tomorrow)
- ADST - What did you learn today about your topic? (GC question)
- Science - Solutions in Different Phases (due last Friday)
Monday Jan 20th 2020
- Math 6 - Least Common Multiple #s 1-4 (due tomorrow)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Chapter 23 and 24 responses (due tomorrow)
- Basketball Permission Slips/Contracts need to be in before you play (check schedule)
Friday Jan 17th 2020
- Socials 5 - How Do the Views on the Use of Land and Resources Differ? (due Friday)
- Socials 6 - How Has Global Trade Stayed the Same and Changed? (due Friday)
- Math 6 - Prime Numbers to 100
- Science - Solutions in Different Phases
Thursday Jan 16th 2020
- Math 6 - Prime Factorization (due tomorrow)
- ADST - Find 3 resources for you Genius Hour Project
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Biographic Poem (due tomorrow)
- Hot Lunch and Pizza Orders
Wednesday Jan 15th 2020
- Socials 5 - How Do the Views on the Use of Land and Resources Differ? (due Friday)
- Socials 6 - How Has Global Trade Stayed the Same and Changed? (due Friday)
- Math 6 - Renaming Fractions (Equivalent Fractions) (due tomorrow)
- Hot Lunch and Pizza Day Orders
Tuesday Jan 14th 2020
- Science - Solutions in Different Phases
- Career - Personal Qualities (due tomorrow)
- Math 6 - Renaming Fractions (Equivalent Fractions)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Chapter 20 and 21 Responses (due tomorrow)
- Hot Lunch and Pizza Orders
Monday Jan 13th 2020
- Math 6 - Simplest Form (due tomorrow)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Chapter 18 and 19 Response Questions
- Basketball is ramping up next week, make sure you are prepared!
- Hot Lunch - orders due the Thursday before
- First one is January 2
- order here or bring in the hot lunch order form
- Grade 6 Fundraiser "Pizza Day" Friday January 24th (orders due January 20th)
Friday Jan 10th 2020
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear - Gallery Walk Questions (due today)
- ADST - Genius Hour Project Proposal (due Monday)
- Math 6 - Simplest Form (due Monday)
- Basketball is ramping up next week, make sure you are prepared!
- Hot Lunch - orders due the Thursday before
- First one is January 20
- order here or bring in the hot lunch order form
- Grade 6 Fundraiser "Pizza Day" Friday January 24th (orders due January 20th)
Thursday Jan 9th 2020
- Science - How Can We Make & Identify Solutions (due today)
- Science - Solutions (due Friday)
- ADST - Genius Hour Project Proposal (due Monday)
- Math 6 - Mixed Numerals to Fractions (due Tomorrow)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Character Frame (due Friday)
Wednesday Jan 8th 2020
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear "Chapter 16 Response" (due tomorrow)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear "Character Frame" (due Friday, no more class time)
- Socials 5 - Significant Canadian Industries (due Friday, no more class time)
- Socials 6 - How Significant is Canada in Global Trade (due Friday, no more class time)
- Math 6 - Writing Mixed Numerals (due tomorrow)
- Career - December Journal Response (due tomorrow)
- Students need to make a thoughtful and meaningful response to my question about their December Journal assignment
Tuesday Jan 7th 2020
- LA -Touching Spirit Bear "Chapter 15 Response" (due tomorrow)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear "Character Frame" (we will continue tomorrow)
- Math 6 - "Writing Fractions" (due tomorrow)
- ADST - Genius Hour "Generating Ideas"
- students generated two possible ideas for their Genius Hour project.
- Science - "How Can We Make & Identify a Solution?"
- continuing tomorrow
Monday Jan 6th 2020
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Ch 13 & 14 Response Questions (on Google Classroom)
- Career - December Journal (handed in today)
- Socials 5 - Significant Canadian Industries (complete definitions)
- Socials 6 - How Significant is Canada in Global Trade? (complete definitions)
Thursday Dec 19th 2019
- Christmas Concert Tonight - wear white shirt w/black pants or 50s dress
- Have your Touching Spirit Bear book in your mailbox
- Finish up outstanding projects/work
- Science Projects
- Elf for Hire
- Math - Multiplication & Division Unit Work & Factors/Divisibility Rules Work
- Touching Spirit Bear - read up to ch 12, all work and responses finished
- Check you "To-Do" list
- Christmas Spirit Week - Friday is Movie & PJ Day
- Board Games in the Morning - bring your favourite board game to play!
Wednesday Dec 18th 2019
Science Projects
Elf for Hire
Math - Multiplication & Division Unit Work & Factors/Divisibility Rules Work
Touching Spirit Bear - read up to ch 12, all work and responses finished
Check you "To-Do" list
Tuesday Dec 17th 2019
- LA - "Elf for Hire" - students should be finishing their good copy and turning it in on Google Classroom
- Math 6 - "Divisibility by 0" (due tomorrow)
- French - "Joyeux Noel" (marked today)
- ADST - "Toy Design"
- students designed a new and exciting toy for Santa to deliver to kids this year at Christmas
- Ideas for what to write about: what does it do, what does it look like, what materials do you need to make it, how much does it cost (and why), how is it powered (if it needs power), why would a kid want this?
- Christmas Concert Update:
- dress rehearsal tomorrow
- Afternoon performance will be Thursday at 1:15
- Evening concert will be Thursday at 6:00 (grade 6 fundraisers...)
- Christmas Spirit Week - tomorrow is ugly sweater day (no, it was not on today...)
Monday Dec 16th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear chapter 11 and 12 responses
- Math 6 - "Divisibility by 4 and 8" (due tomorrow)
- Math 5 - tests need to be signed and returned
- Socials - "Headlines"
- Create a headline for an event from Touching Spirit Bear
- Christmas Spirit Week - tomorrow
- Christmas Hat Day
- Hot Chocolate for sale at lunch for $1.00
Friday Dec 13th 2019
- LA - "Elf for Hire"
- Final copy should be finished for Monday
- Math - "Divisibility by 6" (due Monday)
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Projects" are now overdue, please find time to finish and get these turned in
Thursday Dec 12th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear - Read chapters 9 and 10, ready to discuss tomorrow
- LA - "Elf for Hire" - rough draft finished, revised and edited
- Math 6 - "Divisibility by 6" (we will continue tomorrow)
- Math 5 - Test tomorrow
- Health - "FIT Principle" what does "FIT" stand for?
- Interim Reports - tomorrow is the deadline for a class reward
- Cougar Classic - permission slip, come prepared to walk to the high school tomorrow afternoon
- How are you getting home from the high school?
Wednesday Dec 11th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear "Reflective Journal" (due tomorrow)
- LA - "Elf for Hire"
- Should be finished rough draft for tomorrow
- Math 6 - "Divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 9, and 10" (due tomorrow)
- Math 5 - test on Friday
- Socials - "How Can the Media Influence our Understanding of Conflicts?" (due tomorrow)
- Interim Reports signed and returned
- Cougar Classic Permission Slips (we're going on Friday)
Tuesday Dec 10th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear
- Chapter 8 Response (due tomorrow)
- Literature Discussion Self-Reflection (due tomorrow)
- LA - "Elf for Hire" - brainstorming and planning page (due tomorrow)
- Math 6 - "Story Problem - Basketball Teams" (due tomorrow)
- French - "Tout Sur Moi"
- Students are working on their online book
- Socials - "Types of Government (How Governments Respond to Conflict)" (due tomorrow)
- Cougar Classic Permission Slip
- Return your signed interim report by Friday for a class reward
Monday Dec 9th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Ch 6 and 7 Responses
- Math 6 - "Greatest Common Factors" (due tomorrow)
- Math 5 - Test on Friday
- Socials - "Types of Governments (How Governments Respond to Conflict)"
- We will continue to work next class
- Cougar Classic Friday - Permission slips need to be returned, along with the back about how you are getting home from the high school
Friday Dec 6th 2019
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Project"
- Due today, but make sure you take time to do a good job with your work
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear "Finding Evidence in the Text" (due Monday)
- Math 6 - "Greatest Common Factors" (due Monday)
- Test Corrections (due Monday)
- Gingerbread House - if you're in Kamloops, check out the gingerbread house competition (including ours) at the Coast Hotel (and vote for ours).
- Interim Reports went home today
- Return by next Friday for a reward...
- They follow our new proficiency scale, so please refer to the chart on the back
- If you request a meeting, I will send an email to you confirming your date and time
Thursday Dec 5th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear
- Finished reading chapter 5
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Project" (due Friday)
- Math 6 - "Would You Rather - Car Rate"
- Gingerbread House - if you're in Kamloops, check out the gingerbread house competition (including ours) at the Coast Hotel (and vote for ours).
- Christmas Door Decorating Ideas - must be handed in by Friday to be considered
- Purdy's Orders were delivered today
Wednesday Dec 4th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear
- Finish reading chapter 4
- Be ready for a discussion on chapter 4
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Project" (due Friday)
- Students should be finished with their experiment and working on analyzing their results
- Christmas Door Decorating Design
- Gingerbread House Reflection (Google Form)
- Career - November Reflection Response (due tomorrow)
- Math 6 - "Multiplication and Division Unit Work" (due)
- Make sure it is neat and complete
Tuesday Dec 3rd 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear
- We read chapter 3 today
- Go on Google Classroom and write in your answer to the response question
- Math 6 - Test tomorrow
- Make sure to gather all unit work, and make sure it is neat and complete
- 3 multiplication sheets
- 2 division sheets
- 2 multiplication and division sheets
- French - "J'aime... Je n'aime pas...?"
- we will continue to work on this sheet next French class
- Hot Dog Orders and Scholastic Orders are due tomorrow
- Newsletter was emailed out today, posted on the school website, and my blog
Friday Nov 29th 2019
- Career - "November Reflection" (handed in today)
- LA - lots of stuff done today!
- "Speaking Bubbles" (due Tuesday)
- "Chapter 1 & 2 Responses" (due today, done on Google Classroom)
- "Chapter 2 Quiz" (due today on Google Classroom)
- Math - "Multiplication and Division Pretest" (due Tuesday)
- Corrections for "Multiplication and Division" were due today
- Multiplication and Division Test on Monday
- Make sure to gather all work from "Multiplication and Division" unit
- No School on Monday
Thursday Nov 28th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear Speaking Bubbles (we will continue tomorrow)
- Hot Dog Orders, TRU Consent Forms, Walking Permission Slips, Scholastic Orders...
- Christmas Tree Fundraiser
Wednesday Nov 27th 2019
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Project"
- How's it going? Are you on track? Is there anything I can do to help?
- I have adjusted the timeline, so the project is now due next week
- Math 6 - "Multiplication and Division" (due tomorrow - all questions: a, c, e)
- Hot Dog Orders, TRU Consent Forms, Walking Permission Slips, Scholastic Orders...
- Christmas Tree Fundraiser notice went home again today
Tuesday Nov 26th 2019
- Socials - "What Causes Conflict to Occur" (due tomorrow)
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear
- We had our Chapter 1 discussion today where students had to respond and share something from the chapter
- Students can answer the question for chapter 1 that is posted on Google Classroom with their response from our discussion today
- Math 6 "Multiplication and Division" (continue tomorrow)
- French - "Tout Sur Moi"
- Finish your title page
- Hot Dog Orders, TRU Consent Forms, Walking Permission Slips, Scholastic Orders...
Monday Nov 25th 2019
- LA - Touching Spirit Bear (Chapter 1)
- we will be having a discussion about the chapter based on your reading response, you need to come ready with one talking point for the discussion
- Math 6 - "Division by 2 Digits" (corrections)
- Career - "Core Competency Reflection"
- Students reflected on one of the 3 core competencies, and set a goal based on their reflections
- Socials - "What Causes Conflict to Occur" (we will continue working on this next class)
- Hot Dog Orders, TRU Consent Forms, Walking Permission Slips, Scholastic Orders
- Gingerbread House Supply List (Patrick and Tyson)
Friday Nov 22nd 2019
- LA - "Word Splash" - completed today
- Grade 6 - "Division by 2 Digits" (due Monday)
- 1 and 2 a, c, e
- Hot Dog Day - orders due Dec 3
- Scholastic Orders due Dec 3
Thursday Nov 21st 2019
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Project"
- Students should be finishing up conducting their experiments
- Math 6 - "Long Division Directions"
- Students wrote their own directions on how to do a long division problem
- PE - "Skill Evaluation - Forearm Pass (Bump)"
- ADST - ""
- We logged on and completed the first online module
- We are preparing to help Mrs Peterson's class get started with their own lessons on!
- Grade 6 Hoodie Orders Due Tomorrow
- Walking Permission Slips (for those who haven't handed them in)
- TRU Video/Photo Consent (for those who haven't completed them)
Wednesday Nov 20th 2019
- Math 6 - "Dividing by 2 Digit Numbers" (we will continue tomorrow)
- Socials - "What Causes Conflict?" (due Friday on GC)
- Grade 6 Hoodie Orders - Due Friday
- Walking Permission Slips - some people still haven't got these in (get them in ASAP)
- TRU Photo/Video Consent - student teachers are here for one more week, please get them in ASAP
- Grade 6 Immunizations - if you want to get immunized, please return ASAP
Tuesday Nov 19th 2019
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Project"
- Students should be ready to conduct their experiment on Thursday:
- Question & Prediction
- Plan & Conduct (detailed procedure)
- Need all materials to conduct the experiment
- LA - "Great Sentences" (handed in today)
- Math 6 - "Division by 1 Digit" (corrections)
- Career - "SMART Goals"
- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based
Monday Nov 18th 2019
- Math 6 - "Division by 1 Digit" (due today, we will go over tomorrow)
- LA - "Novel Study Preference"
- We are using a sentence from this assignment to help us use criteria to evaluate what makes a good sentence
Friday Nov 15th 2019
- ADST - "Gingerbread House"
- We worked on collaborating with others to share ideas
- LA - "Parts of Speech" (handed in today)
- Math 6 - "Division by 1 Digit" (due Monday)
- Grade 6 Hoodie money due next Friday
- Make sure to vote on your novel study choice by the end of today (or else your input won't be considered...)
- Book Fair starts on Monday
Thursday Nov 14th 2019
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Project"
- Proposal was due today
- Start working on the next step (Questioning & Predicting)
- LA - "Novel Study Choices"
- make sure you get your choice in by the end of Friday in order for it to count
- Math 6 - "Multiplying by 3 Digits"
- Get your corrections done
- French - "Coloriage par Numero" (long overdue, please make sure to finish ASAP!)
- ADST - "Gingerbread House"
- Have your design ready to share tomorrow
Wednesday Nov 13th 2019
- Socials - "5 Causes of Conflict" what are they?
- LA - "Spelling Strategies" (handed in today in class)
- Math 6 - Story Problem "Cattle" (handed in today in class)
- ADST - "Gingerbread House - Before"
- We are building a gingerbread house for a competition in Kamloops hosted by the Uptown Chefs
- Finish your design for Friday
- School photos went home today
- Don't forget to get your money in to Mrs MacDougall for your grade 6 hoodie
Tuesday Nov 12th 2019
- Science - "Scientific Inquiry Project"
- Thinking about an experiment you could do in class?
- Math 6 - "Multiplication by 3 Digits" (due tomorrow)
- Career - "SMART Goals"
- What does the acronym SMART mean?
- Book fair starts next Monday
- Purdy's Orders are due tomorrow
- Hot Dog Day is tomorrow (volunteers might be needed)
- Grade 6 Notice went home today for our Eagle Bay Trip
- Grade 6 Hoodies - money due next Friday (not this Friday like the notice says)
Thursday Nov 7th 2109
- Science - "6 Simple Machines" (due tomorrow)
- Math 6 - "Multiplication by 2 and 3 Digits"
- Get your corrections done
- Hot Dog Orders due tomorrow
- Purdy's Orders due Wednesday
- Tomorrow is Remembrance Day and we will be having our assembly at 10:45
- Grade 6 Sweater orders - due Friday November 22
- The notice says next Friday, but we have extended it
Wednesday Nov 6th
- Math 6 - “Story Problem (Happy Birthday Bryan Adams)” (handed in today)
- LA - “Why I Wear a Poppy” Green Screen
- Hot dog day, Bannock day, TRU consent Form, Purdy's order
Tuesday Nov 5ht 2019
- Science - "What is a Machine?" (due tomorrow)
- Math 6 - "Multiplication by 2 and 3 Digits" (due tomorrow)
- LA - "Why Do You Wear a Poppy?"
- We are going to work on our green screen videos tomorrow
- Know you line!
- Think about what some of the issues with our attempt to record our messages were today?
Monday Nov 4th 2019
- Socials - "Should We Change How We Vote?"
- Groups continued to work on their project (we will get more class time)
- PAC Purdy's Chocolate Order - Due Wednesday November 13th
- Grade 6 Hot Dog Fundraiser - Due Friday November 8th (day is Wednesday November 13th)
- Bannock Day - Orders due Thursday November 7th (day is Tuesday November 12th)
- Google Classroom - Check your "To-Do" list (there are a lot of things that need to be done in this class...)
- Blog - have your parents check out the class blog and leave a comment on today's agenda
Friday Nov 1st 2019
- French - "Colouriages par Numeros" (due Monday)
- LA - "Why Do I Wear a Poppy?"
- Students did some research and reflected on their prior knowledge to help them answer the question
- Math - "Story Problem - Trick or Treat?" (handed in today)
- Socials - "Should We Change How We Vote?"
- Students did some research to help create a list of pros and cons to help them take a position on the question
- TRU Photo/Video Consent Form
- Please return either giving consent or not giving consent for our student teachers
Thursday Oct 31st 2019
- Science - "Newton's Third Law - Canoeing"
- We created a force diagram and explained why a canoe moves forward
- LA - "Reading Response"
- Students used a reading strategy and made a response for the book they were reading
- Math 6 - 2 Digit by 1 Digit Multiplication" (due tomorrow)
Wednesday Oct 30th 2019
- Socials - "Is There a Convincing Argument to Change How We Vote" (due today)
- Math 6 - "Test Corrections" (due tomorrow)
- Halloween Dance Tomorrow (wear your costume for a chance to win some prizes)
Tuesday Oct 29th 2019
- Socials - “Is There a Convincing Argument to Change How We Vote?” (due tomorrow)
- Halloween Dance on Thursday
Monday Oct 28th 2019
- Math 6 - Story Problem "Pizza"
- Science - "How to Slow Down a Toy Car"
- Students conducted their experiment and completed the lab write up in class
- Socials - "Is There a Convincing Evidence to Change How We Vote?" (due Wednesday)
- YPC/Swimming - Tomorrow
- Come prepared: swim suit, towel, lunch, anything else you NEED to bring (not want to bring)?
Thursday Oct 24th 2019
- Science - "How to Slow Down a Toy Car" Experiment
- Students created a question, a hypothesis, and a procedure to test their idea on how to slow down a toy car
- LA - "Reading Response" (turned in today)
- Math 6 - Today was test day (a few students still need to finish up though)
- YPC/Swimming
- 22 people are going as of right now (4 need to get their permission slip in still)
- Picture Order Forms can be handed in no later than Monday morning as the will be sent away first thing
Wednesday Oct 23rd 2019
- Socials - "Federal Election Reflection" (due tomorrow)
- LA - "Paragraph Revision" (due Thursday)
- Students need to revise, edit, write a final copy, proofread, and turn in their final copy on Google Classroom for their paragraph about the Earth's movements
- Math 6 - Test Tomorrow
- Make sure you complete all of the unit work, including corrections (what a great way to study)
- Grade 6 Immunization Forms went home today
- YPC/Swimming Permission Slip due tomorrow
- Tomorrow is International Dwarfism Awareness Day - please wear green or white to show support
Tuesday Oct 22nd 2019
- Science - "Toy Car Inertia" demonstration (handed in today)
- LA - "Revising a Paragraph"
- Keep revising and using the paragraph revision form until your paragraph is top notch!
- After that... follow the rest of the steps to the writing process
- Math 6 - "Place Value Review" (due tomorrow)
- Test on Thursday
- Make sure that your unit work is complete, neat, and correct to be handed in Thursday as well
- LA - "Responding with Feeling and Emotion" (handed in today)
- YPC/Swimming handed in by Thursday (but earlier works too...)
Monday Oct 21st 2019
- Socials - "How Does Each Level of Government Make Decisions" (due tomorrow)
- Math 6 - "Place Value Review" (continue working on this tomorrow)
- Test on Thursday
- Career - "Mistakes!" (handed in today)
- ACE It! Reflection
- YPC/Swimming Permission Slip due Thursday
Friday Oct 18th 2019
- Socials - "Party Platform Profile"
- Students completed their party profile poster
- Math 6 - "Unit Review"
- We will continue to work on this on Monday
- PAC Carnival is this Saturday
- Picture Orders are due Friday October 25
Thursday Oct 17th 2019
- Socials - "Party Platform Profile"
- Groups created a poster for a political party outlining their platform (continued tomorrow)
- Student vote is tomorrow
- Math 6 - "Comparing and Ordering Numbers" (corrections)
- Math 5 - Re-test tomorrow
- LA - "Paragraph Revision Form"
- They need to fill out the revision form for their paragraph
- Volleyball team needs to complete this for homework
- Picture orders went home today with proofs, the order deadline is Oct 25 (next Friday)
Wednesday Oct 16th 2019
- Science - "Newton's First Law" (due tomorrow)
- LA - "Paragraph Revision" (due tomorrow)
- Finish rewriting the paragraph using the information from the paragraph revision form
- Math - "Comparing and Ordering Numbers" (due tomorrow)
- Today was World Restart a Heart Day
Tuesday Oct 15th 2019
- ADST - Editing a Google Doc (Turned in today)
- LA: Writing - "Paragraph Revision Form"
- Finished the form, we will be revising the paragraph tomorrow
- LA: Reading - "One Word Responses" (handed in today)
- Math 6 - "Comparing and Ordering Numbers" (working on it again tomorrow)
- Math 5 - get test signed and returned
- Socials - "Election Facts" (we will continue working on this next class)
- Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) is Monday Oct 21st
- Beach theme - bring a towel and some beach gear to relax with, and don't forget your favourite book!
Friday October 11th 2019
- Career - Alike (due Tuesday)
- Students answered questions posted in Google Classroom about the video
- LA - "Elaborating with the Es" (due Tuesday)
- Math 6 - Story Problem - Representing Decimals (Mathapalooza!)
Thursday October 10th 2019
- LA - "Sticky Note Responses" (handed in today)
- Math 6 - "Who Has More Money?" word problem (due tomorrow)
- PTI are tonight, check the schedule
Wednesday October 9th 2019
- ADST - Students completed a Google Form on an assessment of the year so far
- This will help prepare for our Parent-Teacher Interviews tomorrow
- MATH - "Communicating Large Numbers"
- Corrections for this assignment need to be completed
- LA - "Improving a Pargraph with ABCs"
- Science - "Forces in Nature"
- Complete your force diagram for a force you found out in nature
- Parent-Teacher Interviews are tomorrow
- Early dismissal at 12:15
Tuesday October 8th 2019
- ADST - "Creating a Google Doc in Google Classroom" (due tomorrow)
- LA (Writing) - "Cohesive Paragraphs" (handed in today)
- LA (Reading) - "Reading Notation Responses (due tomorrow)
- Math - "Communicating About Large Numbers" (due tomorrow)
Monday October 7th 2019
- LA - "Using Transitions Effectively" (due tomorrow)
- Students had to highlight the transitions that they used in their Salmon Run paragraph, as well as their paragraph on following directions.
- Socials - "How Are Governments Significant in Daily Life - The Three Levels of Government" (due tomorrow)
- Parent Teacher Interviews
- Time slots are filling up, so please get in your requests
- Please note that I had two dates on my form, parent teacher interviews are on THURSDAY OCTOBER 10th
- Can find schedule link here
Friday October 4th 2019
- Career - Individual Compliance Abilities Test
- Why is it important to follow directions?
- How can we make sure we are able to follow directions?
- LA - "Perfect Three Sentence Paragraph"
- Students handed in today
- Math 6 - Story Problem "Federal Election"
- Come ready to discuss the problem on Monday
- Parent Teacher Interviews
- Notice went home Thursday with information about signing up for a time next Thursday
- It will also be an early dismissal that day
Thursday October 3rd 2019
- LA - Screencastify
- Record yourself reading on Screencastify
- Share it with me in Google Drive (make sure the name is the file is your first name)
- Math 6 - "Solving Problems Involving Large Numbers" (due tomorrow)
- Science - "Forces"
- Make sure you "Turn In" on Google Classroom
- Parent-Teacher Interviews
- October 10th
- Sign up notice went home, please return ASAP as times will be filled first come, first serve
Wednesday October 2nd 2019
- LA - "What Makes a Good Paragraph" (due tomorrow)
- ADST - "Google Drive - Creating a New Doc" (due tomorrow)
- Socials - "How Are Governments Significant in Daily Life" (we will keep working on this later)
- Newsletter went home today
- PAC Hot Lunch Form went home today
- Tomorrow is picture day (so dress nice!)
Tuesday October 1st 2019
- French - "Ton Anniversaire"
- LA - "Introductory Sentences"
- Math 6 - Started "Solving Problems Involving Large Numbers" (will continue tomorrow)
- Science - "Forces"
Monday September 30th 2019
- PE - Triple Ball Rules
- Math 6 - Representing Numbers in the Billions (we had a word problem to solve that is on Google Classroom)
- LA - "Creating Sentence Variety" (due tomorrow)
- Socials - "The Seal Hunt" representing the seal hunt in the spring/summer and winter
- Technology in the Classroom
- please get to your parents, and then sign and return
- DEWRS survey information
Friday September 27th 2019
- French - "Comment ça va?"
- LA - "Punctuation within sentences (due Monday)
- Math 6 - "Representing Numbers in the Millions" (due Monday)
Thursday September 26th 2019
- Salmon Run Field Trip - "What did you learn/do today?"
- Walking Field Trip - please get the permission slip in ASAP
- Google Classroom - make sure to get logged in, and join all the classes
- ADST - "Design a Room"
- Still missing sheets from people...
Wednesday September 25th, 2019
- LA - "Punctuation Within Sentences"
- Commas and parentheses
- Google Classroom - Please login and add all our classrooms (9 in total)
- Salmon Run Field Trip is tomorrow
- Orange Shirt Day - Monday September 30
- wear an orange shirt in support if you can
Thursday September 19th, 2019
- Math - "Story Problem - Bookshelves" (due tomorrow)
- Health - "Mindful or Unmindful" (due tomorrow)
- ADST - "Design a Room"
- This was due last Friday, please make sure ALL components are completed and handed in, thanks :)
Wednesday September 18th, 2019
- Health - "Mindful or Unmindful?"
- Math - "Blue Book Readiness Test" (will collect tomorrow, do as much as you can)
Tuesday September 17th, 2019
- Career - "Who I Am" (Due tomorrow)
- LA - "Four Sentence Structures (Due tomorrow)
- Socials - "Quebec's Bill 21" (all due tomorrow)
- "On the Lines" questions
- "Quebec Map"
- "Political Cartoon"
- Math - "Blue Book Readiness Test" (due tomorrow)
Monday September 16th, 2019
- LA - "Four Kinds of Sentences" (due tomorrow)
- Math - "Blue Book Pretest Readiness" (will continue to work on tomorrow)
- Socials - "Quebec's Bill 21"
- Should be finished "On the Lines" questions and "Quebec Map" by tomorrow
Friday September 13th, 2019
- français - "greetings"
- Language Arts - "Standard English
- Math - "Field Trip Parents" word problem
- Socials - "Quebec's New Secularism Law"
- FORMS! - coloured forms + student verification form
- ADST - "Design a Room"
- Overdue! Make sure you have the room finished, as well as the "Before", "During", and "After" assignments
Thursday September 12th, 2019
- français - "greetings"
- Language Arts - "Traits of Effective Writing"
- Math - "Stickers!" Word Problem
- Science - "Isaac Newton" & "What Will Hit the Ground First" demonstration
- FORMS! - coloured ones + student verification form
Wednesday September 11th, 2019
- Language Arts - "Star, Dash, Dot Outline"
- finish your paragraph outline on the topic "my favourite donut"
- FORMS! - Please make sure that you are getting your coloured forms in ASAP
Tuesday September 10th, 2019
- Health - "Brain Power"
- Labeling and describing the pre-frontal cortex, the amygdala, and the hippocampus
- Langauge Arts - "Pre-write"
- Brainstorm ideas for the topic What do you like to do when you're not in school?
- ADST - "Design a Room"
- Finish your build and complete the After self-evaluation
Monday September 9th, 2019
- Forms! - please return all forms that went home today
- Outside Media in Schools
- Personal Information Consent
- Access to Internet Based Resources
- Technology Student Acceptable Use
- School Fees - please return ASAP (due October 7)
- Chapters "Adopt a School" - please refer to the notice
- ADST - "Design a Room" students should be finished with constructing their rooms
Friday September 6th, 2019
- Health - "What I Learned Today About My Brain"
- Due on Monday
- LA - "Quick Write - Beginning of School"
- Due on Monday
- ADST - "Design a Room" project
- Students should be close to finishing up their room design and ready for a gallery walk
- Fruit and Vegetable Program - form needs to be signed and returned in order to participate in the program
Thursday September 5th, 2019
- ADST - "Design a Room" project
- Continue to bring in materials that you will need to complete your project
- Newsletter went out today
- Changes - first PAC meeting is on Tuesday September 10th, welcome back BBQ is on Wednesday September 11th
- PAC Fundraiser - Coupon Book Sales (due Friday Oct 4th)
Wednesday September 4th, 2019
- Students need to bring in materials for their "Design a Room" project (check your list)
- Shoeboxes
- Building Supplies
- Check Google Classroom page for assignment sheets
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