Daily Challenge - Tuesday, April 7 2020: Day of Sucwentwecw

Here is today's daily challenge and video. Remember, the challenges are extra activities that you can try (though today's challenge would be a great one to finish!).

Today is the Day of Sucwentwecw, so our daily challenge is focused on this celebration.

Check out the daily video

As well as the document that goes along with today's assignment. There are lots of useful (and necessary) links within the document to help you out.

Another reminder, don't forget about the Zoom meeting today if you want to attend. Information below:

Join Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/4831273020?pwd=TU5wM1N6aFF0MDBMd1FsZ1dIS0tSUT09
Meeting ID: 483-127-3020
Password: allan104

Kyle Allan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Tuesday Checkin/Zimbra Email
Time: Apr 7, 2020 11:00 AM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 483 127 3020

Password: allan104


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